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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion training toolkits – for Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Talk about race toolkit 1

The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust asked us to design a series of toolkits that would act as training guides for employees on key EDI topics.

These needed to be PowerPoint presentations that included educational information across four themes – allyship, microaggressions, race, and bullying and harassment.

Each guide needed to be engaging and interactive to help colleagues understand and digest the messages and apply the lessons to their everyday life. Quizzes, audio elements, embedded links and moments of reflection were used to elevate the presentations from passive learning to an active experience.

The client’s team wrote the presentations and we sub-edited, providing an editorial sense check of the language used. This was a collaborative exercise to ensure the wording was clear and appropriate and not likely to offend or be ambiguous.

  • The Talking about race toolkit explains that having open discussions on this topic helps us understand how the disparity in attitudes towards people of different races has occurred, and helps dismantle systems that allow such a gap to develop. It offers tips for having productive conversations about race and poses questions for self-reflection.
  • The Microaggressions toolkit looks at verbal, behavioural and environmental microaggressions, explains power dynamics, and explores the negative impact on people. It offers advice on how to challenge all forms of discrimination, including microaggressions.
  • The Anti-bullying toolkit offers examples of bullying and harassment at work, and explains that workplace bullying can be subtle and often unrecognised by those who are not victims.
  • The Allyship toolkit gives tips for supporting underrepresented groups and being an active bystander who is aware of inappropriate or threatening behaviour and will challenge it.

Used for inductions, but also available as refresher courses, the content needed to be detailed, but presented in a way that was not overwhelming.

This project is important not only for general education, but also for aligning Trust colleagues with the organisation’s values and creating a culture where EDI is valued and a prominent aspect of working life.

For the same team, in the same visual style as the toolkits, we created display banners and leaflets about Access to Work for disabled employees, and how the Trust is building an equitable diverse and inclusive organisation, and an explanation of its EDI objectives and EDI networks.

Challenging microaggressions toolkit 1
Allyship toolkit 1
Talk about race toolkit 2
Allyship toolkit 2
Talk about race toolkit 4
Challenging microaggressions toolkit 4
Challenging microaggressions toolkit 5

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